# This list is updated automatically at midnight every day.
Microsoft R Open 4.0.2
The enhanced R distribution from Microsoft
Microsoft packages Copyright (C) 2020 Microsoft Corporation

Using the Intel MKL for parallel mathematical computing (using 32 cores).

Default CRAN mirror snapshot taken on 2020-07-16.
See: https://mran.microsoft.com/.

askpass            1.1
assertthat       0.2.1
backports        1.1.8
base64enc        0.1-3
BH            1.72.0-3
blob             1.2.1
broom            0.7.0
callr            3.4.3
cellranger       1.1.0
checkpoint       0.4.9
classInt         0.4-3
cli              2.0.2
clipr            0.7.0
colorspace       1.4-1
crayon           1.3.4
curl               4.3
DBI              1.1.0
dbplyr           1.4.4
deployrRserve    9.0.0
desc             1.2.0
digest          0.6.25
doParallel      1.0.15
dplyr            1.0.0
e1071            1.7-3
ellipsis         0.3.1
evaluate          0.14
fansi            0.4.1
farver           2.0.3
forcats          0.5.0
foreach          1.5.0
fs               1.4.2
generics         0.0.2
ggplot2          3.3.2
glue             1.4.1
gmp              0.6-0
gtable           0.3.0
haven            2.3.1
highr              0.8
hms              0.5.3
htmltools        0.5.0
httr             1.4.1
IRdisplay        0.7.0
IRkernel           1.1
isoband          0.2.2
iterators       1.0.12
jsonlite         1.7.0
knitr             1.29
labeling           0.3
lifecycle        0.2.0
lubridate        1.7.9
magrittr           1.5
markdown           1.1
MicrosoftR       4.0.2
mime               0.9
modelr           0.1.8
munsell          0.5.0
openssl          1.4.2
pbdZMQ           0.3-3
pillar           1.4.6
pkgbuild         1.1.0
pkgconfig        2.0.3
pkgload          1.1.0
png              0.1-7
praise           1.0.0
prettyunits      1.1.1
processx         3.4.3
progress         1.2.2
ps               1.3.3
purrr            0.3.4
R6               2.4.1
rappdirs         0.3.1
RColorBrewer     1.1-2
Rcpp             1.0.5
readr            1.3.1
readxl           1.3.1
rematch          1.0.1
repr             1.1.0
reprex           0.3.0
reticulate        1.16
RevoIOQ         10.0.1
RevoMods        11.0.1
RevoUtils       11.0.2
RevoUtilsMath   11.0.0
rgdal           1.5-12
rlang            0.4.7
rmarkdown          2.3
rprojroot        1.3-2
rstudioapi        0.11
RUnit           0.4.32
rvest            0.3.5
scales           1.1.1
selectr          0.4-2
sf               0.9-5
sp               1.4-2
stringi          1.4.6
stringr          1.4.0
sys                3.3
testthat         2.3.2
tibble           3.0.3
tidyr            1.1.0
tidyselect       1.1.0
tidyverse        1.3.0
tinytex           0.24
units            0.6-7
utf8             1.1.4
uuid             0.1-4
vctrs            0.3.2
viridisLite      0.3.0
whisker            0.4
withr            2.2.0
xfun              0.15
xml2             1.3.2
yaml             2.2.1