Faculty members can request the creation of group storage directories, which allow files to be shared among multiple users. Please contact support for details.


Group directories can be created on any of the cluster’s storage locations.

Location Path
Home storage /home/groups/group_id
Distributed storage /data/groups/group_id
Archival storage /archive/groups/group_id


Each group directory has its own disk quota.

To check the group’s disk quota, type:

scrp-quota group_id

User Management

The owner of a group directory can manage access to the directory by modifying the directory’s access control list (ACL). Home and distributed group directories’ ACLs can be modified on any node, while archival group directories’s ACLs must be modified on scrp-login.

Home Group Directory

The general syntax is:

# Get ACL
nfs4_getfacl [path-to-directory]

# Modify ACL
nfs4_setfacl [-R] [-a|-x] A:[g]:[uid/gid]:[rights] [path-to-directory]


# Give user testuser read and execute permission
nfs4_setfacl -R -a A::$(id -u testuser):RX [path-to-directory]

# Remove testuser, who has read and execute permission
# The permission specified here must match the one shown by nfs4_getfacl
nfs4_setfacl -R -x nfs4_setfacl -R -x A::$(id -u testuser):rxtcy [path-to-directory]

# Give group myRA full access
nfs4_setfacl -R -a A:g:$(groupid myRA):RXW [path-to-directory]

# Remove group myRA, which has full access
nfs4_setfacl -R -x A:g:$(groupid myRA):rwaDxtcy [path-to-directory]

Distributed and Archival Group Directories

The general syntax is:

# Get ACL
getfacl [path-to-directory]

# Modify ACL
setfacl [-m|-x] [user|group]:[name]:[rights] [path-to-directory]


# Give user testuser read and execute access
setfacl -m user:testuser:rx [path-to-directory]

# Remove testuser
setfacl -x user:testuser [path-to-directory]

# Give group myRA full access
setfacl -m group:myRA:rwx [path-to-directory]

# Remove group myRA
setfacl -x group:myRA [path-to-directory]